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How to get an overview of Work Order Costs Goods Movements and Master Data

Purpose: View Work Order data (costs and goods movements)

Transaction: CO03

Provide the Work Order in the transaction, and press Enter:


In order to view the warehouse transactions for the order (Goods Movements) we navigate to GOTO -> DOCUMENTED GOODS MOVEMENTS:



We will be presented with a list of all the warehouse transactions for the order.


Movement Type Column:

  • 101/102: Production/Cancellation of Production
  • 261/262: Consumption/Cancellation of Consumption
  • 531/532: Cullet Production

In order to view the cost analysis for the order we navigate to GOTO -> COSTS -> ANALYSIS


The list is presenting the basic cost related transactions for the Work Order:


  • Goods Issues: The materials that were consumed in the order. cullet is defined as negative consumption. This is how production of cullet is recorded.
  • Confirmations: Depending on the Work Order type , this line outputs the total confirmation activities for the Order. If it is an order for forming lines (ZP02) the activity type is MACHINE HOURS. In the example it shows that this order has 93,917 HR (Hours) of Operation.
  • Goods Receipt: The production output for the order.
  • Settlement: The amount that SAP Costing settled in the period end closing. The system calculated the variations from standard cost and settles the difference in order to calculate the actual cost for the work order.

We can also view the Bill of Material for the Work Order by visiting the COMPONENTS screen:



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