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Found 3 results

  1. Purpose: Every work order should have production and consumption during the month. Work Orders that have either only production or only consumption need to be checked for possible mistakes: Transaction: ZHGI_WO_CHECK Selection screen. We need to put the company (if BLANK then all companies will be checked), the year and the month The system will then show the orders that miss either consumptions or production. Clicking on the work order , will open the CO03 for further check of the order
  2. Apart from Glass Flow , we have some situations in production postings where we don't have any packed items but we have production of melted that becomes cullet. In these cases we need to: Calculate the amount of melted that we need to make cullet. Production of Cullet 531 to the work order of melted. After we calculate the melted = culllet we have to produce , we need to make a MIGO transaction with the following characteristics: Then you need to put the correct date and description. Also you need to delete the lines that the system brings automatically. These come from the BOM of Melted: Create a new line for cullet item And then put the necessary data: Item: R-2400302009 Quantity Plant Storage Location Order The final picture should be something like that: If all data are correct, then you only have to make a CHECK and then POST.
  3. In cases of Repack and Resort we may have some pieces of products that remain to storage locations 11xx and we need to send them for destruction. We must send them to Storage Location 0060 by using MIGO transaction. We run MIGO and use movement 311.
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