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business-controlling How to inquire for production periods and work order data for a product
Elias Stassinos posted a sap help article in FI-CO
There are more than one ways to find when an item has been produced and the work orders with which it was produced. Option #1: From ACMON Barcode data Transaction: ZHGI_PP_ACMON The above selections will provide all the lines (one line = one label = one pallet) for the material for plant 3000 NEW GLASS. Option #2: From general ledger for materials. Transaction: MB51 The following selection will output all the production movements (101,102) for one material This view provides more basic information like Date of production and Work Order number: -
business-controlling How to view production entry data for machine operation
Elias Stassinos posted a sap help article in FI-CO
Purpose: To view the daily entries of machine production operation including speeds, downtimes e.t.c Transaction: ZHGI_PRD_REP The report displays the daily entries for production in the system. The entries are related to the Forming Lines phase of production. In this phase the outcome is NOT the final product , it is the bulk product. Meaning that w will need the material code of the bulk or the work order of the bulk (Type ZP02). The following example requests one specific work order that produces the bulk 50805U: The output of the report gives the details: JCT: Job Change Time columns WT: Working Time (in minutes) DT: Down Time (in minutes) WT Gobs: The speed of the product for the working time. Net/ Gross weight/PC: The actual net and gross weight per piece. Ratios: in the final columns all the ratios are printed. -
business-controlling How to view the calculated actual activity prices used in Production Costing
Elias Stassinos posted a sap help article in FI-CO
Purpose: In order to allocate production expenses to work orders, the system uses 2 activity types. ACT01 - MACHINE HOURS and ACT02 - PRODUCTION QUANTITY. During costing the system calculates these activity prices. Transaction: KSBT The following selection will request the activity prices for December 2020 for both activity types, for New Glass: The output is as follows: ACT01 Machine hours is used only for the Forming Lines production phase, so only the relative cost centers are shown For example Line 2.1 has been calculated to have 253,05 EUR per Machine Hour. This is the rate that the system will use to cost the Work Orders according to the confirmed hours that the orders have. -
business-controlling How to view the history of the moving weighted average of materials
Elias Stassinos posted a sap help article in FI-CO
Purpose: We need to get the history of the weighted average for a material. Transaction SE16N - General Purpose database table viewer SE16N is a general program that can output any system table from the system. The table that holds the weighted average history is MBEW. The following selection outputs the data for product 50805-MCT6: The output is: In the example we observe that this item was uploaded from JDE with piece cost of 0,38 BGN/ Piece (MBEWH is always in local currency). Then production in May 2019 upped the price cost to 0,54 BGN / Piece and then production in June 2020 moved the unit cost to 0,81 BGN / Piece. -
Purpose: We need to have a total overview of costing for one material and one period. Transaction: CKM3N CKM3N is the central point where we can get costing information for a specific item at a specific period. The following selection provides info about item 50805-MCT6 for June 2020: We can observe that the previous unit cost was 0,54 BGN / PIECE and that during this costing run the piece cost raised to 0,81 BGN / PIECE.: In the section Receipts the system shows the production data for this item: In this example we can see that we run costing 3 times , because we can see 2 reversals of settlements. These are the settlements that system creates in order to have the actual costs for the material in our books. The components that exist in the Bill of Materials are shown on top. These are the items that were consumed at this phase. The work orders can be also found in the receipts (production) lines. We can also view the cost components and their contribution in the unit cost by pressing "Cost Components for Price" button: For example we can observe that Depreciations are accounted for 0,20 of the total 0,81 BGN / Piece
business-controlling How to get an overview of Work Order Costs Goods Movements and Master Data
Elias Stassinos posted a sap help article in FI-CO
Purpose: View Work Order data (costs and goods movements) Transaction: CO03 Provide the Work Order in the transaction, and press Enter: In order to view the warehouse transactions for the order (Goods Movements) we navigate to GOTO -> DOCUMENTED GOODS MOVEMENTS: We will be presented with a list of all the warehouse transactions for the order. Movement Type Column: 101/102: Production/Cancellation of Production 261/262: Consumption/Cancellation of Consumption 531/532: Cullet Production In order to view the cost analysis for the order we navigate to GOTO -> COSTS -> ANALYSIS The list is presenting the basic cost related transactions for the Work Order: Goods Issues: The materials that were consumed in the order. cullet is defined as negative consumption. This is how production of cullet is recorded. Confirmations: Depending on the Work Order type , this line outputs the total confirmation activities for the Order. If it is an order for forming lines (ZP02) the activity type is MACHINE HOURS. In the example it shows that this order has 93,917 HR (Hours) of Operation. Goods Receipt: The production output for the order. Settlement: The amount that SAP Costing settled in the period end closing. The system calculated the variations from standard cost and settles the difference in order to calculate the actual cost for the work order. We can also view the Bill of Material for the Work Order by visiting the COMPONENTS screen: